Botox is the most popular anti-aging injectable that’s become more than just a household name; it’s a treatment that men and women rely on to maintain a fresh and youthful appearance long-term. At our Worcester Dermatology Associates locations in Worcester and Chelmsford, MA, we offer treatments with this injectable to treat the most common expression lines that appear on the upper half of the face. This anti-aging injectable is safe, fast acting, and long-lasting.
How Often Can You Get Botox?
The recommended time between Botox appointments ranges from three to four months since, on average, that’s the amount of time it takes for most patients’ results to wear off. Some patients experience results that last longer and can enjoy results for five to six months; at that point, they need to schedule a follow-up treatment. Your body is responsible for how long your results last, and once it metabolizes all of the product, you’ll see your expression lines reappear.
As a general rule of thumb, you can contact our office to schedule a follow-up treatment as soon as your results begin to fade. The rate at which your body metabolizes the product is unique to your system. Some patients metabolize the active ingredients quickly; for others, it takes longer.
Extending Your Results
While you can’t change the rate at which your body metabolizes the ingredients in this injectable, there are some ways you can attempt to extend your treatment results. Excessive exercise has been shown to increase the rate at which your body metabolizes Botox. Knowing that before your treatment, especially if you’re an athlete or a very active individual, will give you a more realistic idea of your follow-up treatment schedule.
If you want to extend your results by reducing exercise, you can do so to see if it makes the product last longer. Studies have also shown a positive correlation between taking a daily zinc supplement and extending the life of the active ingredient in this product. Since taking zinc supports your immune system, it’s worth taking it daily to see how it affects your treatment results, especially if you’re interested in extending those results.
What Areas Can It Treat?
Botox can treat the areas of the upper half of the face most prone to expression lines. It can smooth frown lines between the eyebrows, the crow’s feet at the outer corners of the eyes, and the lines that form on the forehead. If you have expression lines in multiple areas, we can use this injectable to treat each area of concern during one appointment.
Before your treatment, we will perform an initial consultation to evaluate your problem areas, determine the right number of units to use at the time of treatment, and schedule your appointment.
How Long Will It Take To Notice Results?
It can take up to seven days to see improvements in the appearance of your expression lines after initial treatment. As the active ingredient works to relax the muscles, you’ll see the skin respond and soften since it will no longer be forced into the repetitive expressions responsible for wrinkles in the various facial areas. Some patients see results within a few days; for others, it can take a full week. The best results are most visible 30 days post-treatment.
Can It Be Combined With Other Treatments?
Once you receive your injections, you’ll still be able to schedule your favorite skincare treatments, but you may need to wait a few weeks before undergoing specific treatments. During your consultation, we can give you more details about what treatment can be combined with your Botox injections and which may need to wait a few weeks for optimal results.
Patients often pair dermal filler injections with this treatment to address how volume loss has affected their appearance and contributed to other signs of aging.
Is There Downtime?
Once you undergo treatment, you won’t have to plan for significant downtime. This injectable is considered a lunchtime injectable since treatments can be scheduled during a typical work lunch break. However, you will need to follow some aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results.
You’ll need to keep your head elevated for at least four hours after your treatment, avoid anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning supplements and medications temporarily, avoid strenuous workouts for 24 hours, and avoid touching the treatment sites. You should also avoid alcohol consumption for 24 hours after the appointment and any activity or environment that increases your body temperature.
Am I a Candidate?
Patients who want to refresh their appearance, prevent the worsening of expression lines, and soften the current ones make good candidates for Botox. Patients must not be allergic to the ingredients in the injectable to qualify for treatment. Botox delivers long-lasting results but is a temporary solution to treating expression lines. A commitment to regular follow-up treatments is key for those who want to maintain smoother skin long-term.
Refresh Your Appearance
If you’re looking for a solution to reduce the appearance of expression lines on the upper half of your face, we can design a treatment plan with Botox to refresh your skin and make you look well-rested and more youthful. Contact us today at one of our Worcester Dermatology Associates offices in Chelmsford and Worcester, MA, to schedule your initial consultation.