Unsightly spider veins are typically harmless but can nevertheless make you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your legs. If you’ve been trying to hide your spider veins, there is a treatment that will eliminate them for good and restore a uniform appearance to your skin. At Worcester Dermatology Associates in Worcester, MA, we design customized varicose veins treatment plans that will restore your confidence in the appearance of your legs and let you live varicose vein-free.
What Should You Expect from Your First Varicose Veins Treatment Session?
Once you undergo an initial consultation and are confirmed as a good candidate for a varicose veins treatment plan, we will schedule your sclerotherapy appointment. When you arrive at our office, we’ll begin by situating you in a comfortable position in one of our treatment rooms. Then, we’ll prepare the treatment area by cleansing the skin before we inject a sclerosing agent directly into the veins you want to eliminate using a very fine needle.
We typically use hypertonic saline, a solution containing sodium chloride in water, or Asclera. Asclera is the only FDA-approved liquid polidocanol available for treating spider veins in the legs. It’s an FDA-approved prescription medication that, once injected into the veins, causes them to break down so that the body can absorb and eliminate them after treatment.
The Treatment Process
We may apply a topical numbing cream before injecting the solution into veins to enhance your comfort throughout the session. Once we inject the right solution into the varicose vein, it will cause the vein to collapse, and the body will then re-absorb it so that it becomes invisible. You can then experience the benefits of uniform and vein-free skin.
How Long Does a Varicose Vein Treatment Session Take?
The varicose veins treatment process typically takes less than one hour. It’s performed here at our office, and because it’s so quick, you can even schedule it during a lunch break at work and return to the office if necessary.
What Is the Aftercare Protocol?
After undergoing your first sclerotherapy treatment, you may need to wear compression stockings for the first few days to accelerate healing and ensure the best results. You’ll be able to resume most of your normal daily activities as soon as the treatment is over. We advise patients to walk as soon as possible to promote healthy blood flow and quick healing.
It’s also important that you avoid certain positions, such as standing for long periods of time or sitting with your legs hanging for the first several days as the treatment area heals. You’ll also need to keep your legs elevated as much as possible during the healing process. We will give you complete aftercare instructions at the end of your treatment so you know exactly how to ensure quick healing and recovery.
When Will I See the Results?
It can take a few weeks to see visible results since your body must respond to the treatment process by absorbing the broken-down vein and flushing it out of the system. Once it does, you’ll notice uniform, vein-free skin. Some patients may need a series of treatments for optimal results.
When you come in for your initial consultation, we can evaluate your varicose veins and determine the best treatment protocol so that you know how many treatments you need to schedule to achieve your goals.
How Long Will My Results Last?
You can expect permanent results after you undergo the recommended number of varicose veins treatment sessions. This treatment process is designed to break down and destroy the varicose veins and force the body to flush them out of the system. For that reason, the results are permanent.
However, this treatment process will only treat existing varicose veins, not prevent the formation of future ones. If you notice new varicose veins after your treatment, you can schedule a follow-up treatment, and we can treat them using the same process.
Preventing Varicose Veins
There are ways to avoid varicose vein formation, including getting plenty of exercise, elevating your legs, avoiding excess salt, avoiding smoking, avoiding standing for long periods of time, losing weight if you are overweight, and avoiding crossing your legs while sitting. Wearing a compression garment if you’re prone to varicose veins can also help increase circulation as needed.
Am I a Good Candidate?
The best candidates for sclerotherapy are patients in good health looking for an effective and permanent solution to treat varicose veins. Whether you’ve had spider veins on your legs for months or years, this minimally invasive treatment can make all the difference in how your legs look and how you feel about your overall appearance. An initial consultation is the best way to learn more about the treatment process, get answers to all your questions, and confirm your eligibility.
Say Goodbye to Your Varicose Veins for Good
If you’ve been looking for a solution for varicose veins and don’t want to spend the rest of your life avoiding shorts, swimsuits, and other clothing that exposes the skin on your legs because of unsightly veins, we can help. Our sclerotherapy treatment plans can make all the difference in the appearance of your skin and your confidence. Contact us today at Worcester Dermatology Associates in Worcester, MA, to schedule your initial consultation.