Do you feel like you look tired no matter how much sleep you get? Do you feel like you look older than you should due to sun spots and age spots? If so, you may be a good fit for laser skin resurfacing at Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA. Today, we’re taking a closer look at this treatment, including who is usually considered a good candidate and what you can expect throughout the treatment process.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?
When determining if someone is a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing, there are a lot of things we take into consideration. One thing we consider is how healthy your skin is because your treatment needs to be postponed if your skin is irritated at the time of your appointment. Another thing we consider is the concerns you are trying to correct. Your satisfaction is one of our top priorities, so we need to verify that this treatment will be effective for you.
Typically, this treatment is used to reverse the signs of sun spots and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. However, there are other concerns this treatment can correct. For example, it can erase chicken pox or acne scars. Moreover, it can even out your pigmentation if your skin is blotchy. Additionally, you may qualify for this treatment if your skin looks and feels leathery. On the other hand, it is not the most effective at treating stretch marks.
Who Is a Poor Candidate for This Treatment?
Laser skin resurfacing will not be considered right for you if you are experiencing an active acne or oral herpes outbreak at the time of your appointment. Additionally, you may be considered a poor candidate for this treatment if you suffer from hyperpigmentation. If your skin is very pigmented, you may need to use a bleaching agent after your treatment. Moreover, you may not be able to achieve your ideal results if you have loose skin.
How Should I Prepare for My Treatment Session?
To prepare for your laser skin resurfacing session, you need to minimize sun exposure and avoid indoor tanning for 28 days. Additionally, you need to wear broad-spectrum sunscreen daily during the four weeks leading up to your session, remembering to reapply it regularly for maximum efficacy. Additionally, you should not get any deep facial peel treatments, like strong chemical peels or dermabrasion, for four weeks prior to your treatment session.
Furthermore, you may need to apply a topical retinoid for four weeks pre-treatment. In the three days leading up to your treatment session, you must discontinue the use of drugs that cause photosensitivity, like minocycline or doxycycline. Two days before your treatment session, you should start taking an antiviral as directed if you have a history of shingles, oral cold sores, or similar skin problems.
What Can I Expect During My Treatment Session?
You can generally expect your laser resurfacing treatment to take around 30 to 45 minutes to complete. However, your session may take a couple of hours if you are treating your entire face. During your treatment, topical anesthesia will be used to numb the areas targeted for treatment. Then, either the ProFractional XC or Contour TRL laser will be used to heat the tissues in the deepest layer of your skin.
Regardless of whether a concentrated light beam or several smaller light beams are used to heat your skin, your skin will respond to the heat by ramping up its production of collagen.
How Much Downtime Is Required Following My Treatment Session?
How much downtime you can expect after your laser skin resurfacing session depends on the scope of your concerns. If your concerns are only mild or moderate in nature, you may be able to recover in just a few days. If you are treating very serious matters, like scars or deep folds, it may take you closer to a week to recover from this treatment fully.
How Should I Care for My Skin After My Treatment Session?
Once your laser resurfacing treatment is over, you must refrain from scratching your skin in the treated areas. Approximately five to seven days after your session, your skin will start to peel. Once you notice your skin peeling, you must resist the urge to pick at the peeling skin. Furthermore, you need to sleep with an extra pillow to elevate your head for the first four days post-treatment to facilitate faster skin healing.
Another important aftercare guideline you need to follow is to cleanse your treatment areas two to five times daily. During the first 24 to 48 hours post-treatment, you need to apply a cold pack to your treatment area every hour or two.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
You will probably be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you are concerned about age spots, wrinkles, scars, and other cosmetic concerns. However, to qualify, your skin needs to be in relatively good condition. To find out if laser skin resurfacing is right for you, contact us today at Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA to schedule your initial skin rejuvenation consultation.