Restylane is an FDA-approved dermal filler that can address a wide range of cosmetic concerns. At Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA, we are proud to offer this non-surgical anti-aging treatment to help our clients look younger and feel more confident in themselves. Today, we’re taking a closer look at this safe, effective treatment, including what it is used for, how long the treatment takes, and how long the results last.
What Is Restylane Used for?
Restylane is used to induce extra collagen production in the skin to reverse some of the signs of aging. It is most commonly used to improve the appearance of the cheeks, lips, and mouth. However, it can also be used to address other cosmetic concerns, like:
- Frown lines
- Nasolabial folds
- Forehead folds
- Hollow temples
- Sagging in the eye area
- Sagging along the jawline
How Long Will My Treatment Take?
Most of the time, Restylane treatment sessions take 30 to 45 minutes to complete. We’ll advise you on how long you can expect your session to take during your initial consultation. Before you can get a clear picture of what you can expect during your appointment, we need to evaluate all of your concerns. If you need to treat four or five areas, your session will probably take a lot longer than it would if you only needed to treat two or three areas.
The severity of your cosmetic concerns also affects how long your treatment session will take. The more severe your concerns are, the more injections you will need to receive the ideal dose. Furthermore, the scope of your cosmetic concerns affects the length of your treatment session. If you need an injectable muscle relaxant treatment in addition to a dermal filler to achieve your desired results, your session may take 10 to 15 minutes longer.
How Soon Will I See My Ideal Results?
It may be roughly four to six weeks before you can enjoy your ideal results. How soon your results will materialize depends on many factors, including your age, the severity of your cosmetic concerns, and how well you take care of yourself after treatment. Generally, younger people can see their ideal results after just ten days. Older clients and clients with more severe cosmetic concerns may need to wait 14 days to see their desired results.
What Can I Do to See My Desired Results Sooner?
To see your desired results as quickly as possible, you need to make sure that your skin has everything it needs to produce extra collagen in response to the treatment. There are several things your skin needs to produce collagen, including zinc, vitamin C, and amino acids. It’s a good idea to get these essential micronutrients through your diet rather than dietary supplements because they are more bioavailable when they come from food and beverages.
Another highly effective step you can take to see your desired results as quickly as possible is to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Water is essential for all of your body’s functions, including the production of collagen. To become hydrated, try to drink six to eight cups of hydrating fluids daily. Add more fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups to your diet.
How Long Will the Results of My Treatment Last?
The results of this treatment usually last for four to ten months, depending on the treatment area and other factors. If you are augmenting your lips, you can reasonably expect that your ideal results will last between a third of the year and half of the year. If you are tightening loose skin or filling in wrinkles, your results will probably last for six to ten months.
What Can I Do to Extend the Longevity of My Results?
There are several things you can do to extend the longevity of your results. One of the most effective things you can do is to eliminate tobacco consumption. If you don’t feel like you can quit, try cutting back on your consumption. Another very effective step you can take to keep your skin looking young is to minimize UV exposure. You should not use indoor tanning methods, like lamps or beds, and you should not sunbathe.
You should also make an effort to stay indoors between the hours of 9 and 3 or 10 and 4, depending on the time of year. During these times, the sun’s UV rays are most powerful and damaging to the skin. When UV exposure is unavoidable, make sure your skin is protected. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 35. If the sun’s UV rays are particularly strong, consider wearing a brimmed hat.
Schedule Your Initial Evaluation Now
Restylane is usually used to improve the appearance of the lips, mouth, or cheeks. However, it can also be injected into other areas, like the backs of the hands. Schedule an initial evaluation with us now at Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA to find out if this is the ideal anti-aging treatment for you.