Worcester Dermatology Associates – Chelmsford Dermatology Associates

Who Is a Good Candidate for Restylane?


Do you struggle to feel confident due to thin lips, gaunt cheeks, lines, or wrinkles? If so, injectable dermal filler treatments at Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA may be a good fit for you. Today, we are taking a closer look at one of our most popular injectable fillers, Restylane. Read on to discover if this treatment may be right for you.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Restylane?

You should be considered a good candidate for Restylane injections if you have moderate or severe facial wrinkles and folds, like volume loss-related laugh lines. You can also generally expect to qualify for this treatment if you have concerns about hollow cheeks or thin lips. However, we can’t advise you definitively on whether you qualify for this treatment until we have evaluated your concerns and discussed your health. Besides wanting to restore lost volume to your face, it is important that you are in good health. If you suffer from certain medical conditions, like uncontrolled diabetes or a bleeding disorder, these injections may not be ideal for you. Additionally, you should not be pregnant or lactating, and you should not have an active skin infection or another form of irritation in the targeted treatment areas.

Will I Need To Follow Certain Preparation Guidelines To Qualify for Treatment?

Yes, there are preparation guidelines that must be adhered to for you to qualify for Restylane injections. The most important thing you must do before your injection session is to attend an initial consultation to find out if this dermal filler is appropriate for you. During your initial consultation, we will explain all of the other rules you must follow to be considered a good fit for treatment. For instance, you must discontinue the use of blood thinners for at least a week before your injection session. Examples of blood thinners include aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil supplements, vitamin E supplements, and Ginkgo biloba supplements. Additionally, you should not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment.

Will I Need To Follow Certain Aftercare Guidelines?

Yes, you will need to follow certain rules after your treatment, too. It is very important that you sleep with your head elevated above your heart after your treatment, and you should not sleep on your side or stomach. This helps speed up the recovery process, and it helps to ensure the results are not negatively affected due to excessive pressure. It is also crucial that you do not take blood thinners after your treatment. Additionally, you should avoid applying makeup for at least 12 hours after your injections have been administered. Another important aftercare guideline to follow is to avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures. You should also refrain from vigorous physical activity for 24 to 48 hours post-treatment. Moreover, you should stay hydrated to hasten the development of your desired results.

What Results Can I Realistically Expect?

To be considered a good candidate for this treatment, it is important that you have realistic expectations about the results of the treatment. For instance, you should understand that this filler will enhance your natural beauty; it won’t make you look significantly different. You can expect to see an initial volume increase due to the extra water drawn to and held in the area by the hyaluronic acid molecules in the filler. However, you should not be disappointed in your appearance immediately after your injections are administered. Over the course of several weeks, your body will break down the hyaluronic acid and produce extra collagen in response to the treatment. It may take a week or two to see your final results, but most people can enjoy their desired appearance within 10 days of treatment.

How Long Will the Results of My Treatment Last?

The durability of your treatment results depends on several factors, including your lifestyle choices, the areas being treated, and the severity of your cosmetic concerns. Generally, you can expect to enjoy your optimal results for six to 18 months.

What Can I Do To Extend the Longevity of My Results?

To enjoy your optimal results for as long as possible, you need to keep your skin as healthy as possible. One of the most effective ways to do this is to stay hydrated and keep your skin moisturized. Another effective step you can take to enjoy longer-lasting results is to minimize UV exposure. You should not use tanning beds, tanning lamps, or sunbathing to darken your skin. Additionally, you should wear sunscreen daily. You can also extend the longevity of your results by eating nutrient-rich foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean cuts of meat and seafood. Not smoking and minimizing alcohol consumption will also help.

Look and Feel Your Best

If you are concerned about nasolabial folds, hollow cheeks, thin lips, or other volume loss-related concerns, there is a very good chance you will qualify for Restylane injections. However, the only way to know for sure if this treatment is right for you is to meet with a qualified dermatologist. Contact us today at Worcester Dermatology in Worcester, MA to schedule an initial consultation.

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