Worcester Dermatology Associates – Chelmsford Dermatology Associates

Varicose Veins Treatment: What Should You Expect?

varicose veins treatment

Varicose and spider veins appear when the valves inside the blood vessels are no longer functional. While they don’t usually lead to serious medical issues, they can be a cosmetic concern. At Worcester Dermatology Associates in Worcester, MA, we offer two treatment options for people with diseased veins: laser vein treatment and sclerotherapy. Read on to find out more about varicose veins treatment and what to expect at the clinic.

Varicose Veins Treatment: What Should You Expect?

You don’t have to have surgery to get diseased veins removed. At the clinic, we almost always recommend minimally invasive treatments that don’t require incisions or general anesthesia. Laser vein treatment is a great option for people who have visible veins on their faces, and those with visible leg veins are almost always good candidates for sclerotherapy.

When you reach out to us about your varicose veins, we’ll ask you to attend an initial consultation, so we can see your treatment area and determine which of our methods is best. Sometimes, we recommend a combination of both to achieve an even better result. Because our treatments aren’t invasive, you don’t have to stay at the clinic overnight or take time off work.

Laser Vein Treatment

Laser treatment is one of the simplest and most effective ways of getting rid of small spider or varicose veins. When we pass our device over the treatment site, it emits laser energy that passes through your skin and heats up the vein underneath. After the diseased vein is heated up, it collapses, so no blood can flow through it anymore. Over time, the blood vessel gets absorbed by the body, and the purple, red, or blue markings on your skin disappear.

Typically, we recommend laser vein treatment to people who have small visible veins on their faces, but the treatment can also be applied to other areas of the body. Aside from getting rid of spider and varicose veins, laser therapy also removes the symptoms of rosacea, uneven pigmentation, cherry spots, and papules caused by dermatosis papulosa nigricans.


Sclerotherapy is very similar to laser treatment because it also causes the vein to collapse and be absorbed by the body. However, the process is different because a chemical called a sclerosing agent is used instead of laser energy. The substance is injected into the affected veins. Over time, it damages them, so they’re no longer functional. The body picks up on this and breaks down the diseased vein.

Although both treatments are minimally invasive, sclerotherapy involves an injection, so the recovery time is slightly longer. However, patients can expect to resume their normal activities a day or two after their appointment. Sometimes, all the diseased veins can be targeted in one session, but most people require three to six appointments to get the desired results.

Who Is Eligible?

Because both our varicose and spider vein treatments are so gentle, they are suitable for almost everyone. Patients who have minor medical issues or allergies can still take part, as long as they are in good general health and don’t have an infection at the treatment site. We can’t treat varicose veins on the legs if the patient is bedridden because walking around is an important part of the recovery process.

Bring your medical records, a list of your allergies, and information about the medication you take when you come to the clinic. That way, we can check that you don’t have a condition that prevents you from taking part.

Is Vein Treatment Permanent?

Unlike most other cosmetic treatments, varicose vein removal is permanent because the damaged vein is broken down and absorbed by the body. You’ll start to notice that your skin looks more evenly toned several weeks after your session. The final results become apparent after approximately two to three months.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that you’ll never have varicose or spider veins again. If you have a genetic predisposition or spend a lot of time standing, you might develop new varicosities. In this case, you have to come back to the clinic and get more laser treatment or sclerotherapy.

Do Varicose Veins Have To Be Removed?

Most varicose and spider veins don’t lead to serious health issues. Occasionally, large varicosities become painful and cause cramps or ulcers. When this happens, it’s best to come to the clinic because the condition isn’t likely to get better on its own. Over time, you might lose your mobility.

Don’t hesitate to come to the clinic if your veins are small and don’t cause you pain. You can get treated even if the varicosities are purely a cosmetic concern. As mentioned, laser therapy is a great treatment for people with an uneven skin tone because it also addresses discoloration caused by rosacea and excessive sunlight exposure.

Get Rid of Spider and Varicose Veins Now

Varicose and spider veins aren’t usually dangerous, but they can make patients feel self-conscious and prevent them from participating in certain activities. Get in touch with us at Worcester Dermatology Associates in Worcester, MA to find out more about varicose veins treatment. We will be happy to welcome you to the clinic and let you know whether you’re a good candidate for laser vein treatment or sclerotherapy. 

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