Worcester Dermatology Associates – Chelmsford Dermatology Associates

Chemical Peels

chemical-peelsChemical peels Worcester can deliver much more than just a light refresh. These versatile, non-surgical treatments can achieve significant improvement for a variety of concerns. With adjustable “depths,” chemical peels in Worcester, Massachusetts can be customized just for you.

At Worcester Dermatology Associates, we take the time to understand your unique concerns and goals. Then we craft a practical solution that meets your needs, and exceeds your expectations. Find out more when you request a cosmetic consultation online or call us at 508-754-3823 in Worcester or 978-256-4151 in Chelmsford.

Revealing Beautiful Skin

Chemical peels Worcester remove upper layers of the skin to reveal the fresh new complexion beneath. They are often used to improve:

Chemical Peel Options

There are three common variations of chemical peels.

Light Peels Medium Peels Deep Peels
Peeling Agent AHA, Microlaser TCA, Microlaser Microlaser
Improves Skin texture, skin tone Sun damage, fine lines Deep wrinkles, pre-cancerous growths, severe sun damage
Discomfort Minimal Some stinging Yes, requiring medication
Recovery Minimal 3 to 5 days Several weeks
# of Treatments Several Several Only 1

Light Peels (AHA Peels)

Light peels are usually formulated with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). They treat the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) and mildly stimulate collagen formation in the uppermost part of the deeper layer of skin (the dermis). They can smooth out rough and dry skin, improve the texture of sun-damaged skin, and even out skin tone.

Recovery is rapid after a light peel, usually consisting of minor flaking and mild redness for several days.  A series of 4 to 6 treatments are generally required to obtain the best results. Improvements from an AHA peel are temporary, so periodic treatments are usually recommended to maintain the results.

Medium Peels

Medium peels usually contain trichloroacetic acid (TCA). They can also be performed with an erbium laser (Microlaser peel) that can have significantly shorter recovery times and more predictable results. They are most often used to treat the effects of sun damage. They also diminish the appearance of blotchy skin by reducing the color contrast of surrounding skin.

After a medium peel, the upper layers of skin to flake off within 5 to 7 days. Most patients experience about 1 to 2 weeks of downtime, but feel like it’s “time well spent” when they see their results. A series of medium peels may be required for optimal improvement.

Deep Peels

Deep peels are able to treat more severe wrinkles, sun damage, and pre-cancerous growths. However, these dramatic results bring with them longer recovery and more extensive side effects. For instance:

Deep peels can be performed with an erbium laser (Microlaser peel) for significantly shorter recovery times and more predictable results. When you’re considering a deep peel, it’s very important to choose a physician you can trust. You can trust Dr. Seth Kates to explain in detail the risks of a deep peel, to say “no” if it’s not a good fit for you, and to perform your peel as safely as possible should you choose to move forward.

Other skin rejuvenation options at our practice include IPL (intense pulsed light), laser resurfacing, and BOTOX® Cosmetic in Worcester, Massachusetts.

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